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Fr. Michael's Thoughts on Biblical Imagery: Grace Period


(Fr Michael Boakye Yeboah: Vice Rector of St Gregory Seminary, Kumasi-Ghana)


            I would like to think that those in the financial world may have heard the phrase “grace period.” A “grace period” is usually a period of time beyond a due date during which a financial obligation may be met without penalty or cancellation. I have employed this financial term for a religious purpose because of the Gospel reading given to us for our meditation.

            St. Luke narrates to us how some people told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices. The people were pitying them because of their supposedly untimely death. But Jesus warned them with these words: “Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent you will all perish as they did…”

            The key phrase in Jesus’ strong statement has to do with the phrase “if you do not repent…” At times we do a kind of prayer of comparison. You hear people pitying others who have suffered calamity (in their prayers). Maybe their end came because they exhausted their grace period. If one does not repent from his/her sins, (s)he can be likened to the story of the fig tree Jesus tells in today’s Gospel reading. When the fig tree became unproductive, Jesus wanted them to cut it down but others intervene for it to be given a grace period to bear fruits. Jesus heeded to their plea and gave the fig tree a year as its grace period. Jesus made it clear that if the grace period ends without any fruit, it will be cut down.

            At times instead of using our grace period well and repenting, we spend quality time pitying others. They may have exhausted their grace period and come to their fate. Time may be running out for us because we do not know exactly the time given to us. We should therefore make each second, minute, day, month and year count.

            In this special season of grace let work on ourselves and repent from our sins. Of late, I have witnessed some close friends and co-workers pass on and I keep asking myself, when it comes to my turn will I be ready? At times people comfort their minds and hearts with purgatory but I would love a direct entry into heaven. I would also love a direct entry for you my dear reader.

            In the whole story, I love two important instances: the intercessors and those who were ready to manure the fig tree into productivity. As regards the intercessors, our Blessed Mother and the saints are our constant intercessors before God. In all the Marian Apparitions, especially Fatima, the Blessed Mother told us that her constant intercession has kept us safe from the wrath of her Son. She urged the three children and the world to pray the Rosary for the conversion of sinners. We need to pray for one another so that God will bless our world with enough of a grace period to enable us to embrace repentance from our sins.

            Another aspect that I love has to do with those who commit their lives towards manuring the fig tree towards productivity. This has been the role of the Church and countless priests, religious and lay men and women. If you see someone wallowing in sin, help the person with prayers (if you cannot have a one-on-one interaction). The way some of us are living our lives, it looks as if there is no heaven or hell. Today you visit some of our high schools and colleges (nniversities), there is a culture of sin and occultism that seems more like a secret society. Priests need to rise and help save the next generation from the grip of Satan else many of our youth will ruin their lives.

            As we seek to manure others towards repentance and Christian productivity, let us not be so hard hearted and keep on putting off our repentance from sins. I pray that all of us will make good use of our grace period. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP PRAY FOR US.



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