Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish

Browsing Community Insights

What are you Thankful for? Week 2

In his Thanksgiving homily, and last week's blog post, Fr. Peter reminded us to be thankful for the little things.  The heating bill, the yard work, and even that person singing off key, or the parent speaking too loudly (because they can't hear too well).

This week, we asked one of our Parish families what they are thankful for.  Steve and Neidy Hanley and their children Kayque and AnnaMaria are involved in many aspects of our Parish.  Kayque and AnnaMaria are Altar Servers, Steve is a part of our Spanish Rosary group (among other things) and Neidy is a faithful adorer of the Blessed Sacrament....join her on Friday evenings 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM.


Here are their words on what they are thankful for.

We are thankful for this parish of Sacred Heart,that has allowed us to grow closer to Jesus through the Sacraments and we are ever grateful for this community that feels more like family everyday.

We are grateful for all of God's blessings that are present everyday in our lives.
It is truly a blessing to have the awareness to see what great beauty abounds in his creation.
I truly believe the more gracious we are to God for his blessings the more blessing we will receive, and this is what I witness everyday at Sacred Heart.



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